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Meet our artisan Natalia!


“For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” taken from 2 Corinthians 9:12, may be the perfect way of summing up Natalia’s experience with Women of Hope.

Natalia is now a mother of six beautiful children, ages 2-22. When her husband left for another woman, WoH was there to support her to keep her faith and confidence completely in God. “I am grateful that God is always with me.” 

Natalia begun learning beadwork at 15 and started with WoH in March of 2012, becoming their third artisan. Natalia originally came to work on-site, with her mother watching her teenage children. However, when Ezekiel (now 7) was born, Tina offered her the opportunity to work from home.

Now Natalia, in her late 30s, is grateful for this work that allows her to prioritize family and earn a fair wage. Though she misses the daily interaction at the center, she continues to receive spiritual & emotional encouragement from the ministry. “God has given me this work, my health, my children, and my joy.” The service of Women of Hope is truly abounding with thanksgiving to God through Natalia’s life.