Meet our artisan Chonita!
Chonita has seen her family face many difficulties including trying to care for several members who suffer with chronic diseases. Nevertheless, Chonita is quick to give all praise to God for every day whether good or bad. Chonita counts as a special blessing, her involvement with Women of Hope which she joined March 2022. She began working as a bead artist and enjoys making intricate figurines and Christmas ornaments. Among her favorites are the colorfully beaded peacocks and the red cardinals.
When asked about her dreams, Chonita says she desires to continue working as a WoH artisan for many years to come. “This ministry has been a godsend for me and my family and has helped us through hard times”. More than anything, Chonita sees herself as a servant of God and she stays open to working in the service of Christ in whatever capacity He may call her.